Cross Court Culture
At Cross Court, being kind is more important than winning and it’s our community working together that makes Cross Court the best place to play. Let’s continue to support each other, celebrate good sportsmanship, and create an inclusive, welcoming environment for everyone. Together, we build the culture that sets Cross Court apart.
New Leagues & Intro to Pickleball Sessions Open for Registration
We’re thrilled to offer new leagues this season:
Women's Level 2 Novice League: Designed for players who have been playing at the novice level for a while and are looking for more challenging games within the novice level.
Men’s Team 3.0-3.5 League: Grab a partner and compete as a team throughout the entire league. Great for tournament training.
Mixed Team 3.0-3.5 League: A fantastic opportunity for mixed doubles players to sharpen their skills and prepare for tournament play.
Bedford Women’s 3.0 ++ Ladder
Tuesdays (12-2 PM)
Bedford Women’s 3.0 ++ Ladder
Wednesdays (7-9 AM)
Bedford Women’s Novice
Wednesdays (3-5 PM)
Bedford Women’s 3.0-3.5
Saturdays (2-4 PM)
Dartmouth Men’s Teams 3.0-3.5 NEW!
Tuesdays (6-8 PM)
Dartmouth Women’s Level 2 Novice NEW!
Wednesdays (4-6 PM)
Dartmouth Women’s Novice
Wednesdays (5-7 PM)
Dartmouth Mixed Teams 3.0-3.5 NEW!
Wednesdays (6-8 PM)
2-Hour Introduction to Pickleball Sessions
Monday, January 27th, 7 PM to 9 PM
Monday, February 3rd, 7 PM to 9 PM
Thursday, February 13th, 7 PM to 9 PM
Weekly Skills & Drills, Youth Drop-ins, and Drop-ins Schedule
Skills & Drills:
Tuesdays, 5 PM to 6 PM
Youth Drop-in:
Tuesdays, 6 PM to 7 PM
Tuesdays, 7 PM to 9 PM (3.0 to 3.5)
Wednesdays, 6 PM to 8 PM (Novice)
Thursdays, 10 AM to 12 PM (3.0 to 3.5)
Saturdays, 10 AM to 12 PM (3.0 to 3.5)
Skills & Drills:
Wednesdays, 9 AM to 10 AM
Thursdays, 5 PM to 6 PM
Youth Drop-in:
Thursdays, 6 PM to 7 PM
Mondays, 9 AM to 11 AM (3.0+)
Saturdays, 9 AM to 11 AM (3.0+)
Stay Fit and Injury-Free with Spring Physiotherapy
This Week's Tip: Preventing Shoulder Strain for Pickleball Players
Shoulders work hard during pickleball, so protecting them is essential. Try these exercises:
Wall Angels: Stand with your back against a wall and arms bent at 90 degrees. Slowly raise and lower your arms along the wall like making a snow angel. Do 10 repetitions.
External Rotations: Use a light resistance band. Hold it with both hands, elbows bent at your sides. Pull the band outward, keeping your elbows tucked. Repeat 15 times.
Prevent shoulder strain and enhance your game by visiting Spring Physiotherapy for a Fit For Life Assessment. Call 902-453-1525 extension 2 or email admin@springphysio.ca to book today!
Good Dink
Good Dink has been working hard in the background and plans to have their website up by the end of the month! In the meantime, you can try on their sample clothing at CC Dartmouth and order products by emailing them at gooddinkco@gmail.com. All products purchased will be dropped off at CC Dartmouth once they are ready.
Table Tennis Room
Did you know we have a table tennis room available? You can book it the same way you book a court! Playing table tennis can be a fun and helpful way to improve transferable skills for pickleball. It’s also a great option when courts are fully booked or to add on after a one-hour pickleball session. Whether for practice or just some extra fun, the table tennis room is a fantastic resource for all players.
Have a great week and wear your safety glasses (preferrably on the courts and preferrably on your face!)
-Steve & Deanna